Voice for Older Women

About Voice for Older Women

50% of Winnings to Winner of Raffle, 50% to the Charity

Voice for Older Women Charity, in conjunction with WIN Housing Projects, is the voice for single women over 50 – the fastest growing demographic of homelessness in our country. 

Everyone deserves a safe place to live, it is a basic human right. Homelessness is a social issue that needs to be understood, with all levels of Governments, private sector players, non-profit organisations and the community having a responsibility to come together and find the right solutions. Voice for Older Women Charity is the Voice for these women, playing the role of advocate, bringing all these players together to deliver strategies, addressing the crisis of affordability both short term and long term.

Your help is important. By participating in our series of raffles, you are making a difference to older women who need our help – at the same time, it gives you the opportunity to win $1,000, so what are you waiting for!

Contact Voice for Older Women

Need more information? Get in touch!


Brisbane, City, QLD, 4000, AU

0400 465 092

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