Nundah State School Parents & Citizens Association

About Nundah State School Parents & Citizens Association

The Nundah State School P&C works closely with the community to raise funds for school programs, building improvements, and learning materials. We partner with Nundah State School families, staff, local businesses, and the wider community to generate better outcomes for our students. By raising funds through events like the Ladies Lunch, Trivia Night, and the Winter Fair, we've been able to fund projects like upgrading the school's air-conditioning systems; building the Treehouse, a community and event-space hub; and creating new play spaces for our students. We also run the school tuckshop and uniform shop, and benefit from the resulting proceeds.

Contact Nundah State School Parents & Citizens Association

Need more information? Get in touch!


41 Bage Street, Nundah, QLD, 4012, AU

(07) 3635 5888

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