Big Group Hug Ltd

About Big Group Hug Ltd

Since 2014, Big Group Hug has supported vulnerable and disadvantaged Victorian families in need by providing new and pre-loved items for children aged newborn to 16.  

We dispatch items of absolute necessity- clothing, toiletries, infant formula, nappies, bedding, prams and car seats- free of charge to families living in financial crisis due to domestic violence, underemployment, homelessness, or seeking refuge.  

Our aid packs have an average value of $1,030, equivalent to one year of electricity, significantly alleviating financial and emotional distress for families, freeing their funds to pay for necessities like rent and food. 

We are heavily relied upon by local government, large charities such as Berry Street, wofinmen’s shelters, hospitals and Maternal Child Health Networks.  

In FY22, we supported 2,400+ Melbourne families and 4,271 children, delivering 111,543 items (+11% on prior year). We saved over 67 tonnes from entering landfill. This year we're tracking to support 6,000 children.  

Contact Big Group Hug Ltd

Need more information? Get in touch!


5/19 Enterprise Drive, Bundoora, VIC, 3083, AU


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