Funds raised will support young mums and their babies in the Small Steps live-in parenting and life skills program run by Hobart City Mission.
Small Steps:
- Supports young mums who are at risk of homelessness or having their infants removed into state care due to lack of support and appropriate accommodation.
- Provides accommodation in 12 units with 24/7 on-site care for up to two years.
- Teaches skills for independent living in the community, improves confidence and employablity levels.
In 2021 the raffle raised $1300 and WITH Tas added a further $500 to purchase two commercial washing machines.
This year we're aiming higher, towards $3,000 for a 10kg commercial dryer. This isn't just a household appliance - it's something that provides some tme and sanity for these young women during a life-changing time who are part of our future.
Funds raised will be presented to Small Steps early in the new year.
Drawn at our Christmas Function on 7th December, 2022 (see for details)