DELEGATE RODEO CAMPDRAFT INC Mega Stallion Service Fee Raffle

Drawn: Tuesday, 19 April 2022 at 4:00 PM

DELEGATE RODEO CAMPDRAFT INC Mega Stallion Service Fee Raffle

Grab some tickets in our Mega Stallion Service Fee Raffle for a chance to win a service fee to a stallion of your choice and support one of our own campdraft kids Jack Ventry and his family.

As some of you may be aware, early last week the Ventry family received the news that no family ever wants to hear. The news that their son Jack, at only 18 years of age, had been diagnosed with Leukemia. Together with his mother Mary, Jack is now in Canberra hospital undergoing intensive treatment to fight this condition.

As a committee, we rallied around to find an idea to help the family out as they tackle this fight together. We have decided to run a raffle to raise money for Jack’s medical expenses and to assist with the costs of accommodation and living away while Jack is undergoing treatment.

A little bit about Jack …

It doesn’t matter how long you have known Jack, whether it be a long or a short time, you will have quickly learnt that Campdrafting is well truly in his blood.

The Ventry family have been a part of the campdraft community since before most people can remember. And if you yourself have been around Campdrafting in the SCA for a while, you will definitely remember Jack. He was the one either going full speed on his little grey pony Pebbles everywhere they went, or on the add occasion up to some harmless mischief with an enthusiastic group of young followers.

For those that might be new to the sport, you’ve probably noticed a tall lanky 18-year-old putting his stead Risky around for yet another gate, always with that infectious smile on his face.

And for anyone that may not of yet met Jack, he is easy to get to know and is what we call a product of the extended “Campdraft Family” that we are all so proud to be a part of.

Go to any draft on any given weekend and have a look around. Jack is the small toddler you see being cooled off in the horse bucket. He is the cute little boy being lead around on his pony by a tribe of older kids, while Mum and Dad have their runs.

Jack is the adorable 8-year-old, dressed like Dad. Nervous and at the same time excited to be waiting patiently at the camp for his first ever run.

Jack is the lanky teenager who is super proud to be riding Mum and Dad’s good horse in the Juvenile draft, or if lucky enough, to get his first run in a Maiden.

 He is in the group of adolescents hanging at someone’s camp talking about school, life, horses and girls.

And finally, Jack is that tall, polite 18-year-old talking to you at the bar who you can’t believe is all grown-up.

Jack is basically every one of those children we see at a campdraft every weekend. The ones also being bought up by the “Campdraft Family”.

So as a part of the “Campdraft Family”, we ask you to get involved and help raise some funds for one of OUR CAMPDRAFT KIDS.

Thank you to the generous support of the Stallion owners, whom have kindly donated services fees to their respective stallions showcasing some of the best Campdrafting genetics in the country. Once the idea was hatched, the call went around and within hours we were inundated with offers of stallion services and ideas to help. Without the support of these owners this raffle could not go ahead, and we will be forever grateful for their generosity.

Terms and conditions

  • The raffle will be drawn by random number generator software.
  • The first ticket drawn will get the first choice of all service fees available. The second ticket drawn will get the choice of remaining service fees and so on until all service fees have been allocated.
  • Winners will be notified using the information they provide when purchasing the raffle ticket(s).
  • All service fees are to be used in the 2022-2023 breeding season.
  • All other expenses will be the mare owner's responsibility.
  • Service fees are non-transferable.
  • Any changes to the above conditions to be by agreement with the Stallion owner.
  • Once service fees have been allocated all arrangements are to be between the prize-winner and Stallion owner.

Read More

Disclosure: There is an agreement with RaffleTix (ABN 24 623 531 340) to promote or conduct this raffle for reward.



Total Prize Pool (12 Prizes)

1 st Prize

Bonlac Gigolo (RRP: $3,850.00)

Bonlac Gigolo Service Fee

Bonlac Gigolo - Image 1

2 nd Prize

Wallabah Excel (RRP: $3,300.00)

Wallabah Excel Service Fee

Wallabah Excel - Image 1

3 rd Prize

The Metallist (RRP: $2,200.00)

The Metallist Service Fee

The Metallist - Image 1

4 th Prize

Mewburn Bewick (RRP: $2,200.00)

Mewburn Bewick Service Fee

Mewburn Bewick - Image 1

5 th Prize

Kneipps Ransom (RRP: $2,200.00)

Kneipps Ransom Service Fee is back in the raffle. Ransom's owners have received some good news and Ransom is recovering rapidly. So we are happily able to add a service fee to Ransom back into the raffle!

Kneipps Ransom - Image 1

6 th Prize

Eskdale West Smart Con (RRP: $1,650.00)

Eskdale West Smart Con Service Fee

Eskdale West Smart Con - Image 1

7 th Prize

Nashvale Roy Ell Destiny (RRP: $1,650.00)

Nashvale Roy Ell Destiny Service Fee

Nashvale Roy Ell Destiny - Image 1

8 th Prize

Nonda Last Frontier (RRP: $1,650.00)

Nonda Last Frontier Service Fee

Nonda Last Frontier - Image 1

9 th Prize

Smith Family Just Jack (RRP: $1,650.00)

Smith Family Just Jack Service Fee

Smith Family Just Jack - Image 1

10 th Prize

Travers Confidence (RRP: $1,650.00)

Travers Confidence Service Fee

Travers Confidence - Image 1

11 th Prize

Contractor (RRP: $1,650.00)

Contractor Excel Service Fee

Contractor - Image 1

12 th Prize

Adios Flo Rida (RRP: $1,100.00)

Adios Flo Rida Service Fee

Adios Flo Rida - Image 1


Total Prize Pool (12 Prizes)

The Draw

The raffle will be drawn at the time and location listed below.

At a Glance

  • Date

    Tuesday, 19 April 2022

  • Time

    4:00 PM

  • Location

    PO Box 39, Delegate, NSW, 2633

Raffle is Closed

The raffle is now closed.

Contact Delegate Rodeo Campdraft Inc

Need more information? Get in touch!

  • Address

    Delegate Rodeo Campdraft Inc
    PO Box 39, Delegate, NSW, 2633, AU

  • Phone


  • Web

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