About the Raffle
The Flinders Foundation Lottery 2022 raffle will be conducted by Flinders Foundation. The benefitting organisation is Flinders Foundation (ABN 66 833 644 600). The benefitting organisation is a not-for-profit organisation.
Net proceeds of the raffle will be in support of Flinders Foundation, raising vital funds to support the leading clinicians and researchers across the Flinders Medical Centre and Flinders University to make medical discoveries and improve the care available to patients and their families.
The Raffle starts at 12:01 am (ACST) on Monday, 1 August, 2022. The Raffle closes at 10:30 pm (ACDT) on Saturday, 15 October, 2022. No entries will be accepted after this time.
Relevant States/Entry Restrictions
Entry is open to residents of South Australia, aged 18 years or older. Flinders Foundation, its board, staff, members of a management committee and anyone involved in the conduct or promotion of this lottery is ineligible to purchase tickets.
There are Seven (7) prizes to be won with a total prize pool value of $16,164.00:
First prize - $10,000 Cash. Value $10,000.
Second prize - Escape to Kangaroo Island.Value $2,544.
Third prize - Wishart Jewellers Voucher.Value $2,500.
Fourth prize - Honey Bang Voucher. Value $400.
Fifth prize - Marion Hotel Dining Experience for 4. Value $300.
Sixth prize - Adelaide Oval Roof Climb Double Pass. Value $220.
Seventh prize - OTR $200 Fuel Voucher. Value $200.
*Prizes are not transferable or exchangeable for cash.
Maximum number of tickets
3000 tickets are available for purchase at a cost of $25.00 each.
Draw Details
The Draw will take place at 11:00 pm (ACDT) on Saturday, 15 October 2022, at Adelaide Convention Centre, 144 North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000.
Draw Method
An electronic draw will be conducted where winners will be randomly selected through a computer generated process. First prize will be drawn first followed by all other prizing in descending order.
Notification and Publication of Winners
Winner will be notified in writing within 7 days of the draw. Winners will be listed on this website and the Flinders Foundation Website and Facebook page by 21 October 2022. Please check the website and the aforementioned Facebook page for details.
Prize Claim Date
Winners have 3 months from the date they are notified in which to claim their prize. Winners can email info@flindersfoundation.org.au to claim their prize.
It is the responsibility of the prize winner to claim their prize once they have been notified by Flinders Foundation.
Unclaimed Prize Arrangements
If a Prize is not claimed by the Prize Claim Date or is deemed invalid in accordance with the Entry Restrictions, the Promoter reserves the right (subject to regulatory approval, if required) to sell that prize. Proceeds from such sale will be paid to the Promoter to be used for not-for-profit purposes.
There is an agreement with RaffleTix (ABN 24 623 531 340) to promote or conduct this raffle for reward.